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Family Sponsorship

Family Sponsorship
Permanent Residency & Temporary Visa

Family sponsorship is a popular option for individuals who wish to bring their loved ones to Canada as permanent residents. Sponsoring a family member to immigrate to Canada can be a complex and time-consuming process, but with the right support and guidance, it can be a rewarding experience.

Types of Family Members That Can Be Sponsored

Sponsoring your loved ones to come to Canada is a great way to reunite with family and support them in their new home. There are several types of family members that can be sponsored, including spouses, common-law partners, dependent children, parents, and grandparents. Temporary Residents on Visitor Visa, Work Permit or Student Visa may sponsor their dependent wife or children on a Work Permit or Student Visa and permanent residents or Canadian citizens may sponsor their dependents for a open work permit or permanent residency.


Common-Law Partners

Conjugal Partners

Dependent Children

Parents and Grandparents

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Family Sponsorship FAQ's

The process of sponsoring a family member for permanent residency typically involves the sponsor submitting a sponsorship application and the sponsored family member submitting a permanent residency application. The sponsor must demonstrate that they meet certain eligibility criteria, including financial requirements, and that the sponsored family member is not inadmissible to Canada for reasons such as security or criminal activity.

Eligible family members for sponsorship for permanent residency include a spouse, common-law partner, dependent child, parent, or grandparent. The sponsor must demonstrate that they have a genuine relationship with the sponsored family member and that they are able to provide for their basic needs in Canada.

The length of time it takes to complete the family sponsorship process can vary, depending on various factors such as processing times, the complexity of the case, and whether the application is complete and meets all requirements. On average, the process can take anywhere from several months to over a year. It is important to work with an experienced immigration professional to ensure that the application is completed correctly and to minimize delays.